Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My dog Lexi has a GH connection

Off topic (sort of)

Her full name of course is Alexis Natasha Davidovich Cassadine [link to youtube vid] since it won't embed here

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I'm likin Dominic/Dante

I smell a mortal gunshot wound that requires a transfusion and Olivia can't do it for some reason, so *that's* when and why she tells Sonny that Dominic = Dante = her son w/Sonny

That young man is hawt.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

If I were Frons....Stefan would be back!

I mean RealStefan, back from the dead, not the idiot clone that wanted to pimp Nik out, or even worse sire a second heir on the bought and paid for fiancee. Not the guy who thought up Emily's assassination, (which was dumb) and then bungled Emily's assassination (Which was even dumber,)

Have RealStefan marry Laura in Paris (offscreen, just so that Stefan can have an "I stole your wife!" scene with Luke), but then be forced to return to the Chuckles to get Rebbecca out of town....finally get the best of Helena...Scare the crap out of Kristina so she stops being such a bratface.

Bring the intellectual back. Bring the manipulator back. Bring the tormented (but not CRAZY) back.

I want some StefanTV.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Today's Hostage Taking...

So Helena has Luke...

The only good thing about him being locked up by Helena is the fact that it does give TPTB an they can write an interesting story to get him back to PC when he returns?

Can Helena call Laura in Paris and say "You peasant I have your ex husband." and Laura say, "Keep the loser; I won't lose sleep over it."

No, they won't write an interesting story. The Aussie Slob child will go and save him.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Why haven't I updated?

Because Carly fell down the stairs while pregnant...

A Quartermaine heir is turning into Anger Boy

Alexis is about to be made to look like a neurotic fool.

Sonny's getting ready for the throwing barware "You betrayed me," scene with Claudia.

Jax is all about saving his woman.

Nik is in love with Emily again (Even though it's Rebecca he's slept with.)

Jason's Stare of Constipation continues.

AJ, I mean Matt, is about to fall off the wagon.

Tracy's through with Luke. (as are many)

Alexis half naked daughter wants to sleep around.

Helena is here -- for not nearly long enough.

Reuse, Recycle, Rehash...

So that we suffer too (again and again and again)

Insanity = doing the exact same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

Note to TPTB

Shadybrook is short a few patients, and the men in white coats must be coming for you.