Monday, September 28, 2009

Really? Really GH?

Now, you're going to pull this return? Now? When Liz has and is sleeping around with Nikolas, when Holly and Luke came to town and 'produced' the news of Ethan and also decided that Laura had been 'understanding' about Ethan's conception? (puke, gag, choke.)

After *that* load of....Now, we have a comeback?


I was going to stay mad, but I just can't.....

Real Lucky will soon be in the HOUSE! Apparently, Johnathan Jackson is returning to the role...

[pauses, takes time to spin around the room a few times with joy..., and clean up the spittake on my screen]

OMDFG Let It Be So!!!!!! When WHEN WHEEEN will it happen...

That brother against brother angst over Liz will be a daily dose of fanning myself...

Oh Sh!t. But Wait. Stop....

Looks very sadly at cute Greg Vaughn [can we make Greg into Sly Eckert? I really don't want to see that sweet guy leave...and he's been given nothing to do for years, poor thing]

And to the remaining Liason/Jiz folk out there...(I was one once, sorry sorry)

If your couple wasn't on life support before, it is DOA now....because the original L and L2 chem cannot be beat. Even if Liz is with Nik (and I like Niz!) for a year or more...we darn well know where they are going to end up now...

Except...there is that Cassadine Curse (No, not the one Helena gave...but the one the writers gave to Stefan in 2003 making him a pod-Stefan nutcase that was written completely off into the stratosphere of insane, nuts and twisted), not the cool tortured guy we'd seen before....

That curse. The curse of bringing a fan favorite back just to destroy them.

and of his own volition recently....Luke.

Writers if you screw up JJ's Lucky I'm done. That second. That minute.

So I guess my joy at the return comes laced with a huge grain of salt.